How Does Kitchen Cabinet Refacing Work and Is It Worthwhile?


If you're remodeling a kitchen, you may wonder about what to do with the old cabinets. Cabinets that don't fit with the new kitchen aesthetic are usually a sore point for any designer, and most people will debate whether to keep them or throw them away for new, modern pieces. However, there's still a solution for some (or most) of the old cabinets in the kitchen that doesn't involve astronomical effort and costs. Refacing cabinets can effectively revitalize old kitchen furniture and bring them in line with your new look.

How does refacing work?

Cabinet refacing is usually split into a few steps:

  1. The old doors and drawers need to be removed. These will usually be scrapped or will need to have significant alterations, which probably won't be worth the cost if they're going to be kept.

  2. The outside portions of the cabinets are veneered or laminated. This effectively re-skins the cabinets for a more modern look.

  3. Door hinges are replaced (if necessary). Working door hinges don't need to be touched.

  4. New doors and drawers are installed. Alternatively, it's possible to repaint or veneer the old components, but that's usually costlier than getting new ones.

  5. Handles, drawer pulls, and other elements and fixtures are installed. Depending on the aesthetic and current state, these can either be new or reused.

  6. Optional accessories like glass panels are installed.

Refacing cabinets usually takes three to five days, even if done by a professional crew. Taking the old components down and cleaning up the kitchen to prepare it for veneering will generally take a day or two. Applying the veneer takes the longest time, usually about two days to complete depending on the number of cabinets that are being refaced. Installing new doors and fixtures is the last part of the process, taking a day or two depending on how much fine-tuning is required.

If you're DIYing the refacing project for the kitchen, it will probably take even more time to complete the entire job, usually about one to two weeks.

Is refacing worth it?

If the current cabinets are wholly usable and don't have structural faults, refacing them is an excellent way to update them with a new external look and adapt them to the contemporary kitchen aesthetic. It will also cost roughly 20% less to have a professional reface the cabinets than buying and installing new cabinets entirely. DIYing will save a bit more money on manual labor but will cost more time instead.

However, keep in mind that refacing doesn't alter the internal configuration of the cabinets. Older cabinets might be strong candidates due to their sturdy structure and well-suited frames, but their poorly-designed shelf space may not work well with modern kitchen appliances.

Get professional cabinet refacing

If you're considering refacing the cabinets, contact an expert. You will get accurate quotes and advice on what can be done with your old cabinets and which ones will need to be replaced entirely.

The Wood Doctor is the leader in wood restoration, refinishing and refacing in the Portland area. Call 503-560-5220 for a project consultation.